Here’s the start of the process
Each knife I make begins as a raw piece of steel, sometimes up to 1.5” thick! I use various tools to get the desired shape, varying from different styles of hammers to my 25 ton forging press.
Getting in the grind
After forging, I move onto profiling the knives on my homemade 2x72 belt grinder. This refines the shape of things, and allows me to get the edge thinner before heat treat.
Finishing things up
After heat treating the knives, I finish grind the blades and start the handles. I can only refine things so far on the grinder, so must complete the process by hand using various files and grits of sandpaper. A hand finished knife can range anywhere from a 400 grit satin finish, up to a 2500 girt polished pattern weld!
Stitching it all together
The last part of the process is to hand tool and stitch a custom fit sheath for each knife. I use high quality American made cowhide (7-9 oz), and put forth the same level of craftsmanship that’s represented in my knives.